Latest Community Updates

Community updates provide brief highlights from expert practitioners about what they see as the key developments in a specific area, what resources they would recommend, and what to look out for in the coming months.

Volker Hüls
Community update - MEAL (November 2019): Measuring the relevance of aid (11/21/2019)

Em Lacroix
Talent management (September 2019): Consortiums, "offerism," visa inequality, etc. (9/15/2019)

Malashree Bhargava
Preparedness, DRR & resilience (July 2019): High-level Political Forum on the SDGs (7/24/2019)

Em Lacroix
Talent management (July 2019): Capacity development, stress, CVs, trust building (7/11/2019)

Lauren Bateman
Information management (June 2019): HDX data grid, data responsibility, blockchain, open data (6/3/2019)

Malashree Bhargava
Preparedness, DRR & resilience (May 2019): GPDRR, risk landscape changes, ecosystem-based approaches (5/27/2019)

Em Lacroix
Talent management (May 2019): Reward structures, sexual violence, partnerships, AI and automation (5/14/2019)

Andrew Nzimbi
Community update - MEAL in East Africa (May 2019): Sphere, CHS verification, ROAP (5/14/2019)

Volker Hüls
Community update - MEAL (May 2019): Blockchain, learning from data, Sphere, SOHS, etc. (5/13/2019)

Em Lacroix
Community update: Talent management and capacity building, March 2019 (3/16/2019)

Jacqueline Frize
Community update: CVA developments (CaLP glossary, new course, CTP in armed conflict) (1/15/2019)