Persons with disabilities

Conflict and natural disasters have a disproportionate impact on people with disabilities, who are often among the most marginalized and vulnerable groups in society. Such emergencies can also produce new disabilities through injury, illness or the collapse of services. Making matters worse is the poor track record of the humanitarian system's response. As a result, people with disabilities often experience difficulty in accessing the services themselves, either because of their own lack of physical or financial access or because of the lack of appropriate services and properly trained staff themselves.

Three men with landmine injuries practice walking on their prosthetic legs

Photo: ICRC/F. Wahidy

Key actors

Organization focusing on the needs of people with disabilities and vulnerable populations in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict, and natural disaster

Alliance of eight global and six regional organizations of persons with disabilities

Tasked with the development of the forthcoming guidelines on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action (co-chaired by UNICEF, the International Disability Alliance, and Humanity and Inclusion)

Key references

Standards for including older people and people with disabilities in humanitarian response, including key actions, guidance notes, tools and resources, and case studies.

Outcome of the World Humanitarian Summit, consisting of key principles to make humanitarian action inclusive of persons with disabilities

Summary of good practices in embedding inclusion of older people and people with disabilities within humanitarian policies and practices

Guideline to raise awareness and help to better prepare anyone who is travelling together with a person with a disability for trips.

Tools for the job

Tool providing step-by-step guidance on how to implement a disability-inclusive emergency response

Briefing paper on implementing disability inclusive safety and security protocols and standards in Duty of Care.

Crosscutting themes


Guidance to help ensure that children and adolescents with disabilities are included in all stages of humanitarian action, from preparing for emergencies to recovering from them

Latest discussions


Humanity and Inclusion