Recordings available: The future of protection in the nexus

On 22 October, PHAP organized a webinar in partnership with GPC on the future of humanitarian protection in the nexus, discussing how humanitarian protection fits into the vision and concrete plans for humanitarian action in the coming decade. The event featured William Chemaly, Global Protection Cluster Coordinator; Natascha Hryckow, Chair, Conflict Analysis Network (CAN); Caroline Khoubesserian, Head of the Unit for the Protection of the Civilian Population, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC); Ralph Mamiya, Executive-in-Residence, Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP); and Agnese Spiazzi, Humanitarian, Development, Peace Coordination Advisor, UN Development Coordination Office.

Ahead of the event, a pre-event survey was organized with more than 500 respondents providing their input on the role of protection in the nexus, as well as potential protection gaps and challenges arising as a result of nexus reforms.

If you missed the event, video recordings and an audio podcast version of the event are now available on the event page.


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