In the coming months, PHAP will be organizing training courses in the Humanitarian Law and Policy professional development track in  Amman/Dead Sea, Nairobi, and Geneva. In each location, we are offering a three-day Core Professional Training on Humanitarian Law and Policy followed by on or more two-day Thematic Workshops.

Each Thematic Workshop focuses in depth on a different issue of concern to humanitarian actors, building on the shared understanding of international humanitarian law (IHL) developed in the Core Training and bringing in additional relevant legal, policy, and practical considerations. Upcoming themes include protection of civilians in non-international armed conflict ; fact-finding, reporting, and monitoring; human rights in armed conflict; sexual and gender-based violence; and mechanisms and methods for effective implementation of IHL.

You will find additional information below as well as in the attached course brochures.

Core Professional Training on Humanitarian Law and Policy

This intensive three-day course serves as an opportunity for mid- and senior-level practitioners and policy professionals to explore international humanitarian law (IHL) challenges relevant to their work. Although previous exposure to the relevant issues is an essential prerequisite, the course is designed to accommodate participants both with and without formal legal training. The next three locations for this training courses will be:

Completing the Core Training is a requirement for participating in the Thematic Workshops.

Amman/Dead Sea, 17-24 March 2019


 Three-day intensive course for experienced practitioners and policy professionals on IHL Read more and apply>>


The vast majority of armed conflicts today are not “traditional” inter-State confrontations but are rather of a non-international character. Furthermore, armed conflicts have become more complex – with some involving dozens or even hundreds of different armed groups, as well as varying levels of involvement and influence of other actors – resulting in greater challenges for the protection of civilians. This workshop provides an in-depth analysis of the norms applicable in non-international armed conflicts, with a primary focus on IHL, in light of the most salient contemporary issues for the protection of civilians... Read more and apply>>


This workshop is designed to enhance the capacity of humanitarian practitioners to more effectively and responsibly conduct – or contribute to – fact-finding, monitoring, and reporting (FFMR) of allegations of violations of international law during armed conflict. Considering the different roles and mandates of humanitarian actors in relation to this work, this workshop will address relevant legal frameworks and the interplay between international law norms and related fact-finding work on alleged violations, the various mechanisms involved in monitoring and reporting, how the different mechanisms and frameworks interact with each another, as well as their underlying objectives and goals... Read more and apply>>

Nairobi, 1-8 April 2019


Three-day intensive course for experienced practitioners and policy professionals on IHL

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The evolution and increasing complexity of armed conflicts – in terms of the nature of the violence, the geographical scope of hostilities, the types of actors involved, and the protection issues raised – casts a new light on the applicability and relevance of human rights norms in situations of armed conflict. This workshop examines the complementarity between international human rights law (IHRL) and other legal frameworks, in particular international humanitarian law (IHL)...

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Despite the numerous initiatives launched in recent years to address sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) during armed conflict, such as the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, SGBV remains widespread in times of war. This workshop is designed to strengthen the capacity of experienced humanitarian practitioners to address and respond to SGBV in the context of their protection and assistance work. It first provides as a background an analysis of the forms of SGBV and the relevant international legal frameworks prohibiting such conduct, with a primary focus on international humanitarian law (IHL) and international criminal law (ICL)...

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Geneva, 29 April-3 May 2019


Three-day intensive course for experienced practitioners and policy professionals on IHL

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Lack of compliance remains a profound challenge for IHL. While the focus is often on responses to violations, not least through criminal proceedings, prevention of violations in the first place is essential. Using a holistic approach, this workshop takes stock of implementation mechanisms and processes and how they work in practice. Along with a critical exploration of relevant challenges, this workshop aims to uncover opportunities to use and further strengthen existing mechanisms, as part of protection of civilians efforts. It is designed to look at both IHL-specific mechanisms and other means of implementation, before hostilities break out as well as during armed conflict...

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For more information about the courses and workshops, and to submit your application, please see the above links to the event pages or visit You may also contact us directly at [email protected] or +41 225 18 04 58.

Attached are the course brochures for additional information on the workshops: